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Malnutrition School Lunch Hunger Relief

In 2022 we were able to increase our impact by helping to relieve hunger and combat malnutrition in both Ranquitte and Cap Haitien.

We began a targeted malnutrition program that provides nutritious foods, education, and health checks for some of the most vulnerable children and families in Ranquitte.

During the 2022-2023 school year, approximately 400 students and staff at our sponsored school will receive a full meal once a week. In addition to helping to nourish the students and staff, this program provides jobs for 6 cooks and 2 wood gatherers.

During times of disaster and unrest we are able to help lighten the burden by providing food to families in need. Over the past year, Haiti has seen the assassination of their president, an earthquake, mass flooding, food and fuel shortages, and unprecedented inflation. A bag of beans and rice can mean more than just a meal… it represents love, care, and HOPE.